Foster Care FAQs

Foster Care FAQs

Is there an emergency contact number?

Yes, our 24 hour emergency number is 216-538-9744. This is a number for all parents in the program to use to communicate with staff, and to call in case of an emergency. Consult with your case manager for different ways to get in contact with them.

What are the qualifications to be a foster parent at Bellefaire JCB?

  • Must be 21 years of age
  • Ability to pass criminal, county and state background checks
  • Ability to pass county and state abuse/neglect background checks
  • Appropriate, safe housing
  • Sufficient income to maintain household expenses, and support the financial burden of adding a foster youth to your home
  • Ability to attend necessary training in order to achieve and maintain licensure
  • Single, married or same sex - martial status and/or sexual orientation does not affect your ability to become a foster parent with Bellefaire JCB

Does foster children need their own room?

This is a decision based on the individual child's treatment needs.

Do I have any choice about the youth I foster?

Yes; however, many of the children referred to Bellefaire JCB are age 10 or older. Bellefaire matches the needs of the children to the strengths of your family. During the home study process, we'll reach a mutual agreement about the types of children to be considered for your home, including the number of children, age range, sex and behaviors that you feel prepared to handle.

When a referral is made, we will call you to present as much information as possible about the child, based on the above criteria. You have the option of accepting or rejecting the placement at that time.

What kind of support can I expect?

Bellefaire JCB offers a wide range of support to foster families, including:

  • 24-hour on-call emergency support
  • Case management services
  • Up to five paid respite days per month
  • Intensive initial and ongoing training
  • Recruiting and mentoring opportunities
  • Wraparound services
  • Competitive reimbursement
  • Accessible, convenient pre-service training needed to become a licensed treatment foster parent

What/When is Cluster?

Cluster is the third Tuesday of the month. Cluster is a supportive time for foster parents for collaboration and training. Training hours are provided.

What ongoing trainings are expected?

Each foster parent is responsible for completing 60 hours of training within two years to be recertified as a therapeutic foster home.

Mandatory Topics:

  • Crisis Intervention/Verbal De-escalation
  • Medications & Diagnoses
  • Two Classes of Independent Living
  • Parenting with Love & Logic
  • Adult/Pediatric First Aid & CPR

Infant Care Homes Are Also Required to Have:

  • Infant Care
  • Early Childhood Development

When are ongoing trainings?

Please see the Training Calendar on our website.

What client focused paperwork will I need to submit and to whom?

  • Pre-Placement Planning Document
    • Prepared and to review at time of placement
  • Weekly Log of Functioning
    • Collected weekly by Case Manager
  • Medication Tracking Form
    • If assigned, collected weekly by Case Manager
  • Clothing Inventory
    • Collected quarterly by the Licensing Specialist
  • Medical, Dental, Vision Documents
    • Within 5 days of treatment received, submitted to Case Aide
  • School Documents
    • Within 5 days of receipt, submitted to Case Aide
  • During Placement Planning Document
    • Prepared and to review at each ITP review

What are respite procedures?

How will I know what is needed for recertification?

Every two years, foster parents will need to comply with a license recertification process if they choose to continue fostering children. A notice will be sent out indicating a license expiration date and the period of time allotted to complete recertification process.