
A Hague-Accredited International Adoption Program, we provide services including infant adoption, waiting child adoption, and birth parent adoption planning.


A Hague-Accredited International Adoption Program, we provide services including infant adoption, waiting child adoption, and birth parent adoption planning.

Speak With an Adoption Specialist Now!

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Creating Forever Families

Adoption provides children with the love and permanency they need and deserve. It can also fill the longing that many families have to complete or expand their circle of love, or help birthparents find a loving and stable home for their baby. 

Bellefaire JCB was founded as an orphanage in 1868 and, since those first experiences caring for children without permanent homes, has become the nation's longest-established child placement/adoption agencies. 

We are a Hague-Accredited International Adoption Program and our adoption specialists are degreed, licensed social workers and certified adoption assessors. Each is committed to delivering individualized support and counsel to address the needs of children, adoptive families and birth parents. Our services and support extend though every step of the adoption process and includes:

  • Pre-and post-adoption counseling
  • Facilitating adoptive placements
  • Counseling to birth parents
  • Home study for domestic and international adoptions

    Download Adoption Brochure


Looking to Adopt

Envisioning Your Family

Adoption is an emotional, life-long decision. It is a process that requires guidance at every phase. Our team offers years of experience and professional support so you can have a positive experience and successful transition before, during and after adoption. Our services include:

  • Pre-adoption counseling to help define hopes and expectations
  • Comprehensive services including home study, post-placement supervision, support and court finalization of the adoption
  • Post-finalization counseling and related services

Do you know what type of adoption you want to pursue? Choosing the right route depends on many things including your personal needs, wishes, life situation. Bellefaire JCB will support you in any of the following adoptions:

  • Waiting Child
  • Domestic Infant
  • Identified Infant
  • Self-directed Infant
  • International

Click here for Application for Child Placement

Learn More About Adoption

Call Us: 216.932.2800 or 800.205.8534

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I'm Pregnant

What Are My Options? It's Your Decision! We Provide the Support.

If you have an unplanned pregnancy, it's likely you are overwhelmed by conflicting thoughts and confused about what you are experiencing. Choosing the right path is not always an easy decision. You may feel alone. At Bellefaire JCB, we believe that talking with someone can help you make sense of your feelings and help you move forward with a choice that is best for you. When you call us, you will be teamed with a Birth Parent Counselor who will help you understand the options. Our services include:

  • Counseling and Support: All services are provided at no charge to you, whether you choose to parent or make an adoption plan.
  • Legal: We review all legal documents and forms with you before you make your final decision.
  • Choosing an Adoptive Family: We perform a complete home study assessment of the adoptive family. Your involvement in selecting a family is up to you.
  • Birth Fathers: We answer questions and provide counseling at no cost.

Download Adoption Plan Brochure

Center for Excellence in Adoption Services

Per the Center for Excellence in Adoption Services Bellefaire JCB must disclose to clients and prospective clients statistical information regarding the number of its adoption placements per year for the prior 3 calendar years, and the number and percentage of those placements that remain intact, are disrupted, or have been dissolved as of the time the information is provided.  In addition, should a request be made Bellefaire will disclose the number of parents who apply to adopt on a yearly basis based on data for the prior 3 calendar years and the number of children eligible for adoption and awaiting an adoptive placement referral via the agency or person.  Please contact to have your inquiry addressed.