Regional Offices

Bellefaire JCB has regional offices in Lorain, Medina and Summit counties...

Regional Offices

Bellefaire JCB has regional offices in Lorain, Medina and Summit counties...

Lorain County Programs

The Lorain County office provides a variety of outpatient, in-home and school-based treatment including many of the services offered in Cuyahoga County. The office is located at 1865 North Ridge Road East, Suite D, Lorain, OH Phone: 440.723.5501. Fax: 440.277.0459  Email Admissions

Outpatient Therapy

Bellefaire JCB mental health professionals provide individual, family and group counseling. Using modern, evidenced-based practices, treatment plans are tailored to the specific needs of each client and family. Commonly addressed problems include:

  • Parent-child conflicts
  • Attention deficit-related disorders
  • Oppositional behaviors
  • Problems with mood, anxiety or motivation
  • Victimization from sexual or physical abuse or neglect
  • Aggression
  • Adjustment to stressors

 Intensive Home-based Treatment (IHBT)

Intensive Home Based Treatment (IHBT) services are provided for children, youth and families. Clients are typically in the program for three to six months, receiving three to six hours of service per week. Afterwards, they are transitioned to less intensive outpatient care in the community in which they live. The program uses a multi-systems approach to help families creatively solve their problems and includes interventions for family preservation, cognitive behavioral therapy and wraparound services.

While working on family issues, the IHBT counselor coordinates services with the courts, schools, peers, therapists and other interested parties. The goal is to empower the family to help the youth operate functionally and safely within the community. The program includes:

  • In-home assessment
  • Individual and family therapy
  • Collaboration with other professionals
  • Ongoing consultation and monitoring
  • Aftercare planning

Co-occurring Substance Abuse/Mental Health Integrated Treatment

Best practice research shows that providing combined mental health and substance abuse counseling is the most effective treatment for adolescents with co-occurring disorders. Our master’s degree level counselors are dually trained/licensed in mental health and substance abuse treatment and provide individual and family counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention and case management services, which include linkage and advocacy with school, courts and other community resources. Held in the family’s home or in the community, counseling sessions often include the entire family system to help adolescents heal.

Healthy Moms, Happy Families

At Bellefaire, we understand that having a baby can be an overwhelming experience and that it is normal to feel conflicted. Approximately 10-15 percent of women, however, experience depression during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth. Undiagnosed/untreated maternal depression can lead to chronic depression in mothers and have negative, lasting effects on the children. Our services are designed to meet the unique needs of moms-to-be and new moms who may be experiencing signs of stress, anxiety or depression. Offering a range of treatment options, our licensed counselors and therapists specialize in teaching women ways to cope with these feelings, manage family conflicts, and use local resources.


Psychiatry Services

Ongoing outpatient psychiatry services are available for children and adolescents in need of medication to address mental health diagnoses. Psychiatry services include a complete psychiatric evaluation followed by ongoing psychiatry appointments.

 Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a 10-week program that provides intensive group counseling for adolescents ages 13-17 with mental health and/or substance use issues, helping them to develop the skills and tools needed to work toward recovery.

We use an evidence-based DBT curriculum for group sessions and tailor individual sessions to address substance use and/or mental health symptoms based on need. Groups are conducted Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 4-6 p.m., with weekly individual therapy and case management to support the individual and family.

The IOP runs year round with a short break over the winter holidays. The group format is semi-open, meaning new youth can be enrolled at strategic points during the 10-week cycle. Parents and youth are responsible for transportation to and from IOP. However, some limited transportation assistance may be available on a case-by-case basis.

This program is primarily funded by Medicaid, but limited grant opportunities may be available to non-Medicaid clients.

Child and Adolescent Group Services

Bellefaire JCB’s Child and Adolescent Group Services provide an array of problem specific and evidence-based practices facilitated by credentialed staff that have training and experience in child and family counseling. Children who are referred to the program must meet defined clinical criteria and must demonstrate minimal ability to participate in group treatment.

Clinical issues addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • Distress Tolerance Skills and Strategies
  • Mindfulness and Impulse Control Skills
  • Emotion Identification and Regulation
  • Communication and Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
  • Anger Management
  • Self-Esteem Building
  • Trauma and Crisis Management Skills

Funded by Medicaid and grant programs when available, Child and Adolescent Groups run year-round Monday-Friday, with the exception of holidays, and quarterly one-day breaks for staff training. Groups are run during the school year from 4-6:30 p.m. and in the summer group hours move to 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The transition dates between sessions are based on local school calendars and vary from year to year. Children attend the program on their designated days.

The programs at each site provide limited transportation to Bellefaire JCB’s location. Routes may be up to one hour in length prior to and after group. An approved adult must be present when children are dropped off. During the academic year, children are generally picked up from their school.


Medina County Programs

The Medina County office provides a variety of behavioral health, substance abuse treatment, outpatient counseling, school-based services and psychiatry. The office is located at 1621 Medina Rd. Unit #2, Medina, Ohio 44256.  Phone: 330.241.4444.  Fax: 330-721-0013 Email Admissions

Outpatient Counseling

Bellefaire JCB has a long tradition of providing effective outpatient and community-based behavioral health and substance abuse counseling in Northeast Ohio. Working continually to remain flexible and responsive, our services are designed to help meet the changing needs in our community. Available for children and adults, all services can be paid through Medicaid, limited commercial insurance providers or self-pay.

Therapeutic services address acute signs of behavioral/mental health symptoms and substance abuse disorders, including those highlighted below. Individualized treatment plans are developed to meet the specific needs of each client.

Behavioral and Mental Health

  • Parent-child or child-sibling relations
  • Oppositional behaviors
  • Depression, anxiety, self-esteem
  • Sexual or physical abuse
  • Teen dating violence
  • School-related issues including bullying
  • Life changing events including divorce
  • Grief, loss or trauma
  • Aggression or stress management
  • Attachment disorders
  • Adoption and foster care adjustment issues
  • Attention deficit-related problems

Functional Family Therapy (FFT)

Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is an Intensive Home Based Treatment (IHBT) Service which provides therapy services to families with children who are between ages 10 and 18 that are at risk to be placed out of the home because of mental and/or behavioral health concerns. Services are provided directly in the home environment. Functional Family Therapy is an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) with numerous studies that have demonstrated both positive short-term and long-term results.

Psychiatry Services

Ongoing outpatient psychiatry services are available for children, adolescents and adults in need of medication to address mental health diagnoses. Psychiatry services include a complete psychiatric evaluation followed by ongoing psychiatry appointments.

 School-Based Services

Bellefaire provides ongoing individual, family and group counseling in schools, allowing children and families to access behavioral services in a familiar, convenient setting. Teachers and other school staff are encouraged to provide frequent and direct input into treatment planning and interventions.

Consultation and Education
School-based consultation services allow mental health counselors to provide targeted behavioral interventions in schools. Services include consultation with parents and school staff; student observation; and participation in meetings related to youth, their functioning, and the impact their mental health issues have on the academic setting.

Bellefaire also facilitates groups for students, parents and school personnel on topics such as conflict resolution, grief recovery, anger management, divorce/separation, social skills, self-esteem, and coping with depression. Workshops for teachers and staff include managing mental health challenges in the classroom, de-escalating behaviors on the school bus, and designing behavioral interventions to deal with issues such as impulsivity and attention deficit behaviors.

Child & Adolescent Group Services

Bellefaire JCB’s Child & Adolescent Group Services provide an array of Problem Specific and Evidence Based Practices facilitated by credentialed staff that have training and experience in child and family counseling. Children who are referred to the program must meet defined clinical criteria and must demonstrate minimal ability to participate in group treatment.

Clinical issues addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • Distress Tolerance Skills and Strategies
  • Mindfulness and Impulse Control Skills
  • Emotion Identification and Regulation
  • Communication and Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
  • Anger Management
  • Self-Esteem Building
  • Trauma and Crisis Management Skills

Funded by Medicaid and grant programs when available, Child & Adolescent Groups Services run year-round Monday-Friday, with the exception of holidays, and quarterly 1-day breaks for staff training. Groups are run during the school year from 4-6:35 pm and in the summer group hours move to 9:30 am-1:15pm. The transition dates between sessions are based on local school calendars and vary from year to year. Children attend the program on their designated days.

The programs at each site provide limited transportation to Bellefaire JCB’s location. Routes may be up to one hour in length prior to and after group. An approved adult must be present when children are dropped off. During the academic year, children are generally picked up from their school.

Summit County Programs

The Summit County office provides a variety of outpatient counseling services and psychiatry. The office is located at 1221 Waterloo Road, Akron, Ohio 44306. Phone: 234.208.4300. Fax:  330-724-7662 Email Admissions

Outpatient Therapy

Bellefaire JCB mental health professionals provide individual, family and group counseling. Using modern, evidenced-based practices, treatment plans are tailored to the specific needs of each client and family. Commonly addressed problems include:

  • Parent-child conflicts
  • Attention deficit-related disorders
  • Oppositional behaviors
  • Problems with mood, anxiety or motivation
  • Victimization from sexual or physical abuse or neglect
  • Aggression
  • Adjustment to stressors

Functional Family Therapy (FFT)

Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is an Intensive Home Based Treatment (IHBT) Service which provides therapy services to families with children who are between ages 10 and 18 that are at risk to be placed out of the home because of mental and/or behavioral health concerns. Services are provided directly in the home environment. Functional Family Therapy is an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) with numerous studies that have demonstrated both positive short-term and long-term results.

 Child & Adolescent Group Services

Bellefaire JCB’s Child & Adolescent Group Services provide an array of Problem Specific and Evidence Based Practices facilitated by credentialed staff that have training and experience in child and family counseling. Children who are referred to the program must meet defined clinical criteria and must demonstrate minimal ability to participate in group treatment.

Clinical issues addressed include, but are not limited to:

  • Distress Tolerance Skills and Strategies
  • Mindfulness and Impulse Control Skills
  • Emotion Identification and Regulation
  • Communication and Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
  • Anger Management
  • Self-Esteem Building
  • Trauma and Crisis Management Skills

Funded by Medicaid and grant programs when available, Child & Adolescent Groups Services run year-round Monday-Friday, with the exception of holidays, and quarterly 1-day breaks for staff training. Groups are run during the school year from 4-6:35 pm and in the summer group hours move to 9:30 am-1:15pm. The transition dates between sessions are based on local school calendars and vary from year to year. Children attend the program on their designated days.

The programs at each site provide limited transportation to Bellefaire JCB’s location. Routes may be up to one hour in length prior to and after group. An approved adult must be present when children are dropped off. During the academic year, children are generally picked up from their school.





Parents and Children Together (PACT)

The PACT family counseling program provides intensive counseling services to families who are experiencing stress due to many factors including those identified below.

  • There may be a child or teen who is experiening social or emotional problems such as ADHD, depression or anxiety.
  • A family may be overwhelmed with financial, housing and childcare responsibilities.
  • A child may be acting out with aggression or have self-control problems.
  • A family may have experienced a trauma, separation or loss.
  • A child may be struggling with school problems, juvenile court involvement or conflicts within the neighborhood.
  • Parents may be frustrated and/or tired of trying to deal with problems on their own.

Our program supports children and adolescents in coping with mental health diagnoses and help parents to understand and manage their child’s emotional and behavioral problems. We train parents and youth in improving effective communication skills through:

  • Anger management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Stress/anxiety management
  • Improving self esteem

The PACT team advocates with schools, juvenile courts, community agencies and other mental health professionals. We refer families to community resources, mental health services and positive social and recreational activities.

Bellefaire also facilitates groups for students, parents and school personnel on topics such as conflict resolution, grief recovery, anger management, divorce/separation, social skills, self-esteem, and coping with depression. Workshops for teachers and staff include managing mental health challenges in the classroom, de-escalating behaviors on the school bus, and designing behavioral interventions to deal with issues such as impulsivity and attention deficit behaviors.

 Psychiatry Services

Ongoing outpatient psychiatry services are available for children and adolescents in need of medication to address mental health diagnoses. Psychiatry services include a complete psychiatric evaluation followed by ongoing psychiatry appointments.


Healthy Moms, Happy Families

At Bellefaire, we understand that having a baby can be an overwhelming experience and that it is normal to feel conflicted. Approximately 10-15 percent of women, however, experience depression during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth. Undiagnosed/untreated maternal depression can lead to chronic depression in mothers and have negative, lasting effects on the children. Our services are designed to meet the unique needs of moms-to-be and new moms who may be experiencing signs of stress, anxiety or depression. Offering a range of treatment options, our licensed counselors and therapists specialize in teaching women ways to cope with these feelings, manage family conflicts, and use local resources.