Residential Treatment

Provides 24/7 treatment for youth and adolescents with a variety of mental health, attachment, and/or substance abuse issues; who demonstrate self-injurious and aggressive behaviors; and/or have moderate to severe autism.

Residential Treatment

Provides 24/7 treatment for youth and adolescents with a variety of mental health, attachment, and/or substance abuse issues; who demonstrate self-injurious and aggressive behaviors; and/or have moderate to severe autism.

On-campus Therapeutic Intervention

Sometimes this is your last hope in helping your child. Interventions such as school-based and outpatient counseling have not been successful in treating maladaptive behavior. Or maybe there is a crisis or need for intensive therapeutic treatment. At Bellefaire JCB, we offer several distinct residential programs located in secure units on our 32-acre campus. Our programs, accredited by The Joint Commission, are specifically ideal for youth 11 through 17 with acute crises and/or prolonged and pervasive behavioral problems,

Bellefaire JCB offers two self-contained, co-ed, LGBTQ+ friendly units in a safe, secure setting where their path toward healing can begin. Bellefaire specializes in intensive dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)—a cognitive behavioral treatment approach that emphasizes the development of four skill sets: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance.

The ITU provides a short-term therapeutic setting for youth who have:

  • Significant mental health and psychiatric needs
  • Demonstrated self-injurious, risk-taking and aggressive behaviors
  • Co-occurring mental health and substance abuse
  • Broad IQ ranges, including those lower than 70
  • Experienced trauma and abuse
  • Attachment issues
  • Borderline personality traits

Our Team

Our multidisciplinary treatment team includes:

  • Dually-trained licensed mental health/SUD clinicians (Co-occurring Integrated Treatment programs)
  • Child and adolescent psychiatrists and psychologists
  • Case managers
  • Master-degreed licensed therapists
  • Registered nurses
  • Advance-degreed residential supervisors
  • Licensed dietitian

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a unique and specialized form of cognitive behavioral therapy used to help adolescents and families build a life worth living.  In a nutshell, DBT aims at teaching people effective ways to manage their emotions and behaviors.  Unlike cognitive behavioral therapy DBT focuses on dialectics-there is no absolute truth. dialectics- the ability to have seemingly opposite or contradictory feelings or thoughts, at the same time (my mom frustrates and angers me so much, and yet I still love her) without these apparently contradictive thoughts causing confusion.

DBT focuses on changing problematic thought patterns as well as teaching skills so clients can effectively manage their emotions, figure out who they are, decrease impulsivity, decrease interpersonal problems and family conflict.     

So why do we use DBT? Not only is DBT a proven and effective method of treatment for people with significant challenges managing severe behavioral and emotional difficulties including Borderline Personality Disorder, Substance Use Disorder and many other mental health diagnoses.  The skills taught can greatly benefit adolescents, adults, and anyone who might want to improve their ability to better manage their emotions, behaviors, and relationships.



Our programs include individual and group therapy, partial hospitalization, psychological evaluation, psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring as indicated, and chemical dependency assessment and treatment. Nursing and routine medical care are provided on our campus. 

The Reserve School

While in Residential Treatment, students attend The Reserve School on Bellefaire's campus. The school fills a unique need for highly clinical and therapeutic treatment in a small setting coupled with substantive special education programming.

A chartered, nonpublic school for grades 6-12, the program offers core classes and electives with a focus on life skills, critical thinking and collaborative problem solving. Our three classrooms include 10 students, one interventionist and two educational aides. The Reserve School takes a multidisciplinary, integrated approach to address the individual needs of each student, building upon their strengths as they progress through treatment in a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) residential milieu.

Learn more about The Reserve School.

Anti-Bullying Policy


Intensive Treatment

Our two secured, self-contained, co-ed treatment complexes serve youth ages 11 through 17 who have acute crises and persistent and/or prolonged and pervasive behavioral problems.

Program Highlights

  • Assessment and diagnosis
  • On-campus staff psychiatry and psychological evaluation
  • Weekly Individual and family therapy
  • Partial hospitalization and group therapy
  • Day treatment and DBT skills training
  • Direct care staff-to-client ratio 1:3
  • Fully accredited educational programming
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) integrated in the treatment center
  • Nursing, dental, and pediatric medical care on campus
  • Medication management
  • Chemical dependency assessment and treatment
  • Individual Treatment Plans
  • Individualized Crisis Support Plans

Treatment Approach

An Individualized Treatment Plan is developed and services are prescribed to target skill development and generalization. Acceptance and change strategies are used to increase client's motivation for treatment.

Clients will participate in individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, day treatment/skills training, and therapeutic behavioral support services. Client's in need of SUD treatment are provided an assessment and SUD services are prescribed based on the ASAM level of care.

Family Visitation

At Bellefaire, we consider families to be an important part of the treatment team. Families are encouraged to visit weekly, attend family therapy as prescribed, and attend the weekly multi-family skills group, all of which can be done virtually. Families will learn the skills to improve treatment outcomes and support skills generalization upon discharge.


Contact Us For More Information

Call Us: 800.879.2522, or email us.

Michael's Story

At Bellefaire JCB, we are committed to helping children overcome their challenges and rediscover the joys of childhood. Michael’s story is a powerful testament to resilience and the impact of our integrative, comprehensive care. Here’s how Michael’s life changed for the better.

Read More

Crisis Stabilization and Assessments

Our Critical Care Stabilization and Assessment unit is an alternative to a psychiatric hospital. This program is available 24/7 for emergency mental health or co-occurring mental health/substance abuse issues. The co-ed four-bed mental health unit serves youth ages 8 through 17 and provides a safe, highly supervised and supportive environment that facilitates intensive, individualized, and short-term therapeutic services.


Each client receives risk assessment and diagnosis, crisis intervention and stabilization, and medication assessment. An initial psychiatric evaluation and stabilization needs assessment guides the child’s stay and discharge planning will begin at admission in cooperation with the placing agency to move youth as appropriate to less restrictive levels of care as their immediate condition improves.

Program Highlights

  • Highest staff-to-client ratio of any of our programs
  • On-site team consists of board certified psychiatrists and advanced degreed residential supervisors
  • Round-the-clock care for medication administration, monitoring of side effects and medical education
  • Individualized educational tutoring

Residential Autism Services

Monarch Boarding Academy (MBA) is a co-ed therapeutic residential treatment program for individuals with Autism ages 8 through 20. The program focuses on developing communication and life skills so residents can learn how to function better – allowing them to return home or to a less-restrictive setting. Residents live in secure, home-like cottages based on peer relationship skill sets.

This program is designed and staffed to enhance social, behavioral, communicative, functional, and academic growth. Each resident’s day, from wake-up to bedtime, is highly structured and consistent. All activities – from personal grooming to group meal preparation to recreation – are designed to complement classroom experiences at Monarch School. Residential and school staff coordinate behavioral and education plans to ensure consistency in both settings, thereby leading to greater and accelerated gains.

What Makes Us Unique

  • Placement and assessment process includes visit and tour, interviews with the child and parents/guardian by treatment team, and a individualized transition plan
  • Residential Service Plan and IEP integrated and coordinated for increased progress and better outcomes
  • Continual data collection with results integrated into the treatment plan and inclusion of parents throughout treatment
  • Residents attend Monarch School and enjoy positive peer model interactions

Learn More About our Autism Programs



Co-occurring Treatment

This residential treatment program is for individuals ages 11 through 17 who have co-occurring substance abuse and mental health diagnoses. With certification from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) for residential alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment, Bellefaire JCB is uniquely positioned to provide treatment to individuals with a primary AOD need and who have related mental health issues.

Program Highlights

  • Provides individual, group and family substance abuse and behavioral health treatment
  • Supports sustained sobriety and relapse prevention
  • Teaches anger and stress management skills
  • Provides linkage to the 12-Step Community, where appropriate, and after care services including intensive in-home treatment
  • Certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services