Prevention & Early Intervention

Through Social Advocates for Youth - SAY, we provide free school-based and community services to help teens minimize risky behavior, make healthy choices and work through difficulties caused by the tensions of adolescence.

Prevention & Early Intervention

Through Social Advocates for Youth - SAY, we provide free school-based and community services to help teens minimize risky behavior, make healthy choices and work through difficulties caused by the tensions of adolescence.

Being a teenager has lots of responsibilities and challenges. The demands of school increase and students have to learn how to balance studying with extra curricular activities and family/friend time. Often teens have to navigate new social encounters and peer pressure.

Social Advocates for Youth - SAY helps support parents and schools guide teens through this difficult time. Grant funded, SAY is a free program that educates and empowers teens to minimize risky behavior while making healthy/good choices.  New this year is a campaign called "Let's Be Real," which busts the myth that all teens engage in substance use. The campaign features teens from schools all over Cleveland’s East Side sharing every day, ordinary – even boring – activities. Proof that it’s not all about drinking, substance use and parties for most teens. Let's Be Real Campaign

In the schools, SAY master’s level social workers and counselors work as a team with school administrators and counselors to provide services such as mediation, intervention and support to students and families; group and individual counseling; and classroom presentations on prevention topics. Through a coalition of community representatives and parents, we provide programs and support throughout Greater Cleveland to:

  • Help prevent and reduce the use of alcohol, prescription drugs and other drugs;
  • Reduce the incidence of social and behavioral health problems such as bullying, teen violence, depression and suicide.

Prescription Drug Disposal Safety

Rx Disposal

SAY Presents: Gratitude Heals

Check out this video about gratitude from the SAY Leadership Team at Shaker High School!

Prevention Topics

Teens are exposed to new experiences every day that can cause emotional or behaviors issues. Our SAY program specifically helps parents and teens work through a variety of issues including those listed here.

  • Self-Image and Self-Esteem
  • Depression and Suicide
  • Self Injury
  • Alcohol, vape and other substance use
  • Bullying
  • Distracted Driving
  • Abusive Relationships
  • Sexual Activity
  • Eating Disorders
  • Diet and Fitness
  • Parenting Issues


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School-Based Program

Bellefaire JCB SAY master’s level social workers and counselors are located in the schools where accessibility to students is the greatest. SAY provides prevention and early intervention services for high school  and middle school students in the following school districts: Beachwood, Chagrin Falls, Cleveland Heights - University Heights, Orange, Mayfield, Shaker Heights and Solon.

The SAY school-based team consults with teachers, school counselors and administrators on identifying students who may be at risk for abusing substances or have behavioral problems. SAY counselors conduct student groups on topics such as social skills development, substance abuse prevention, conflict resolution and grief and loss. Other components of the SAY program include:

  • Screening for substance abuse, depression and  at-risk behaviors
  • Brief intervention and support for students and families
  • Parent education
  • Referrals to other community resources
  • Collaboration with community groups on education and prevention programs

Community Services

The SAY Coalition: Reaching Beyond the Schools

Through the SAY Coalition, our programing reaches beyond the schools and into the communities to support existing prevention programs and new initiatives that aid in strengthening families and youth. The coalition consists of schools, parents, youth, health professionals, law enforcement, those working in the judicial system, business professionals, elected officials, and religious and community leaders. The SAY Coalition offers the following programs:

Student Leadership Council  Brings students together from area high schools to develop leadership skills, learn how to make healthy decisions and choose a positive path. Students meet monthly at Bellefaire JCB to discuss teen issues, plan and participate in volunteer activities and promote events that support healthy adolescent behavior.

Summer Leadership Institute  A three-week program in the summer that offers students the opportunity to cultivate leadership skills through community service.

Parent Roundtable  A group of parents who meet monthly to discuss teen issues, promote parent education and community events, and provide guidance and support in connecting to teens in positive and healthy ways. The committee’s mission is to strengthen the relationship between parents and youth as well as the connection to their school and community.

Collaborative Group  This group is comprised of professionals from organizations across northeast Ohio who meet quarterly at Bellefaire JCB to share information, resources and ideas with the purpose of supporting healthy families, youth and strengthening communities.

Get Involved. Learn More.

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Preparing for College

It is often said that parents do not know which is harder, dropping off their child for the first day of...

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Distracted Driving Pledge

If you talk on your cell phone while driving it’s like driving with a blood alcohol count of .08 percent...

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The Party Checklist and Teen Promise

Peers, Parties and Parents. Adolescence is a time for trying new things. This experimentation...

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SAY Connect

SAY Connect - A Newsletter for Parents

We've launched a new  newsletter for parents - SAY Connect.  In each issue we gather information on topics like staying connected to friends and family, using online resources to learn and grow, how to help in your community, and much more. 

Use the simple sign up form below to begin receiving SAY Connect.


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Back to School 2021

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Fall 2020